The AFCOE Think Tank
Pan-African Counter-Corruption Assembly
On 2nd-3rd November 2023, the AFCOE held the Pan-African Counter-Corruption Assembly (‘PACCA’) at the Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Studies, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Leading delegates included: the Minister of Justice, Prosecutor General and President of the Supreme Court of countries including Burundi, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe ; the Ambassador or High Commissioner of countries including Angola, Burundi, Cote d’Ivoire, Eswatini, Kenya, Mali, Sudan, and South Sudan; Senior Representatives of national anti-corruption commissions of countries including Cameroon, Ethiopia, Egypt, Mali and Zimbabwe; and Senior Representatives of organisations including the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank Group, Integrity Initiatives International, universities and educational bodies, civil society, law enforcement agencies and the private sector.
At the PACCA, it was resolved in the Assembly Communiqué to take forward the momentum built by this Assembly by convening in Africa over two days in 2024 and annually thereafter the Africa Counter-Corruption Dialogue, and through that to secure the creation and development of a Counter-Corruption Framework for Africa, which will identify and implement effective, efficient, and deliverable regional and national strategies for defeating corruption.

The Africa Counter-Corruption Dialogue
To be inaugurated in 2024, the Dialogue will be an annual event attended by African Heads of Government and their respective Ministers of Justice or equivalent together with other global leaders, captains of industry and the presidents of international governmental and non-governmental organisations. The Dialogue is expected to become Africa’s leading counter-corruption conclave.
The National Conversations
The National Conversations follow on from the Dialogue and focus exclusively on resolving domestic corruption problems within the overarching Strategic Counter-Corruption Framework For Africa.